EveryPoet.com has "... a wealth of poems and poetry resources, ... forums for posting and
commenting ..., a Poetry Showcase ..., a full-text archive of classic poems, and a remarkably
extensive, useful, poetry links collection and bookstore."
Poetry Portal "is a directory or guide to the internet poetry world, a simple-to-use and
comprehensive overview of what's currently online. .... All links have been carefully chosen
to speed up your search for the best ezines, poetry sites, audio poetry, literary appreciation,
criticism and reviews, poetry courses, workshops, conferences, book news, literary chit-chat
and trade news, plus sources to improve your own writing and get it published."
AMAZE: The Cinquain Journal is the primary resource on the internet for this intense
and beautiful poetic form. Denis Garrison was a founder and editor of AMAZE.
of the Wind was one of our favorite webzines; it has beautiful artwork in addition to the
fine writing. It is no longer publishing.
Stirring: A Literary Collection is one of the best poetry webzines around. Check it out.
The Pedestal Magazine publishes poetry, fiction and non-fiction.
The 2River View
is a fine webzine and more.
Mountain Poetry webzine requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.
Sonnet Central website - everything you ever wanted to know about sonnets.
Powell's City of Books poetry books webpage (commercial site).