Winter 2011
Table of Contents - Vol. VII, No. 4
Poetry Fiction Translations Reviews
Gonca Özmen
These poems have appeared in Gonca Özmen’s The Sea Within, published by Shearsman Books, U.K. in 2011. This bilingual book represents work from Özmen’s only two books to date, Belki Sessiz (Silent Perhaps, 2008) and Kuytumda (In My Place, 2000).
It was your mouth
Naked wall, intimate door
It was your mouth
Tracing unborn contours
Grass alone changed the climate
I tasted your mouth’s leaf-like bitterness
It was your mouth
Like a felled walnut tree
It gathered all the voices and fled
It was your mouth
My urchin, my absent sky
It was your mouth
And we were still infants in our lovemaking
(between two games)
I’m the one who spills from the river for you
Dirty me
Throw me to night
Night that makes it so
That snapping sound
Fell within me
I thought the world would never turn again
But the world turned once more
That smell of juniper
Should one of them forget
The other won’t
I’m the one who flows from water to you
Muddy me
Liken me to a crime
And remember me thus
© George Messo
Çıplak duvar, mahrem kapı
Doğmamış dizeler getirip bıraktı
İklim değiştirdi otlar kendiliğinden
Gördüm ağzın yaprak kırgınlığı
Yıkılan ceviz ağaçları gibi
Tüm sesleri toplayıp gitti
Sokak çocuğum, eksik göğüm
Ve çocuktuk hâlâ sevişirken
(iki oyun arası)
Ben bir ırmaktan dökülenim sana
Beni kirlet
Geceye at
Olduran geceye
Çıt sesi içimin
Dünya bir daha dönmez sanırdım
Dünya bir daha döndü
O ardıç kokusu
Biri unutsa
Biri unutmaz
Ben bir sudan akanım sana
Beni bulandır
Suça benzet
Öyle anımsa