Sea Dreams
I grew up in the deep green sea,
attended school among starfish,
explored coral castles with slinky
squid, bought seashell necklaces
with sand dollars.
A child, dreaming, I thought,
I�m a mermaid.
Grown, I see more clearly.
I�m a dolphin:
one of a large family,
nothing to prove,
three quarters
of earth�s surface
mine with a flick of fin.
I want to return to the white beach
where a tiny girl with pixie curls
grew up singing on the sand.
I want to see if warm sand, cool sea
bring her to me more clearly
than faded photographs.
I want to know if that child lives
in the woman I�ve become,
if I can return to myself.
I wish I�d
known how it would end
the first time
I saw her
building the small nest
in my wall.
I would have
knocked it down
right away.
It would have been much
and kinder
than watching her build,
day by day,
back and forth,
tireless �
as bird shit
and twig bits puddled
on the ground.
She hated
me to come or go,
chided me
eyeing me.
Then silence,
marked by startled flight
when I came
too close to
her sacred hideout,
and I knew
her nestling
was thriving.
watching from inside
my kitchen,
I never
imagined finding
that birdling
dead on the
ground today.
� Wiltshire

Loch Raven Review Spring 2006 Vol. 2, No. 1
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