Gary Blankenship
Poets Worth Your Attention
Dave Ruslander, Voices in My Head, DSC Publishing, 2005,
Alex Stolis, Playing Cards with Houdini, Pudding House Publications,
IBSN: 1-58998-342-4
John W. Sexton and Gabriel Rosenstock, Shadows Bloom (Sc�thanna Faoi
Doghouse, 2004, 0-9546487-4-9
John W. Sexton, Vortex, Doghouse, 2005, IBSN: 0-9546487-6-5
We are approaching a golden age of poetry, partially due to the Internet and
partially because of the freedom poets fell they have to experiment with
long established poems, producing truly revolutionary poetry. The explosion
means, however, there are a great many fine poets who will never receive the
attention they deserve. Alex, Dave and John may be among those lost in the
But not if I have anything to do with it. Dave and Alex are published in the
winter 2006 edition of John will be part of the spring issue.
Dave Ruslander suffers from an affective disorder, which he has labeled the
�black dog�. Voices in Our Head allows us not only to get acquainted
with Dave and his poetry, but with the disorder. From �Rapacious,� the first
poem in the book:
Funny how the black dog
carrying his quarry.
When the game turns,
He will nip at our heels
and we will be the
These are intensely personal poems, which demand we pay attention to Dave�s
Voices and teach us about the disorders.
Dave lives in Virginia. His poetry is strong with natural images of the
country around him. From �Great Blue Cinquains�:
Blue Heron
Focused statues
Silver rapids shoot fish
Down stream anglers
Voices in My Head is a full color publication. Dave�s poems are
married with great artists, such as David Philpott, Mia, Laryalee Fraser,
the author and his wife, Barbara. (If I have any complaint it is that the
volume does not list the artists.)
This full color book has a retail price of $29.95. If you care to purchase
the book at the retail price, $10.00 will be donated to Depression and
Bipolar Support Alliance.
Voices in My Head is available through Dave for $20.00 plus $3.00
s/h. You may purchase through PayPal by submitting funds to his account,
[email protected]
or send check, cash, money order to:
Dave Ruslander
PO Box 584
Quinton, VA 23141
Alex Stolis does something in Playing Cards with Houdini that is not
done enough. He tells a story � adventures of the poet traveling around the
Southwest with his lovers, Romona and Juanita, perhaps as he is writing the
I heard her sing in Spanish once, soft but slightly off key, eyes closed and
head tilted to the left as if listening for the music. That�s how everything
began � with a whisper not an explosion or any expectations and that
was when I realized there was trouble.
With sixteen chapters, the chapbook is well worth the price of $8.95. From
�Distance Equals Rate Times Time� (Chapter IV):
She slips from her
strapless dress,
the tangled mess of hair
is smoke
from a filterless
cigarette, mistakes
The story is tough, uncompromising and at times raw, but you will be carried
along until you read the last lines
bullets glint seductively
on linoleum as moonlight
cuts a halo over her
Playing Cards with Houdini is available at
There is nothing quite like finding treasure. John W. Sexton�s Shadows
Bloom is such a find. John�s book is modern haiku, that is haiku that
abandons the 5 7 5 form common in Japan (and rightfully so, English is a
different language). But there is more. The haiku are translated into Irish
by Gabriel Rosenstock, poet and teacher, as Sc�thanna Faoi Bhl�th.
Picking a couple of my favorite subjects:
a good game
but shadows of crows
are too fast to catch
ach b�onn sc�thanna na bpr�ach�n
r�ghasta le breith orthu
black cats
sip shadowed milk
glioscarnach na
blaiseann na cait dhubha
den bhainne sc�thach
Several of the poems are accompanied by illustrations by Lynda Horgan,
making this a special publication. In addition, in several appendixes, John
outlines his journey through haiku from the traditional 5 7 5 through rhymed
and ballad haiku to the modern form.
As John states in his introduction, � There are certainly three languages
here� Three separate visions of the same environment��
John has a newer collection of free form poetry, Vortex, published by
Doghouse in 2005. An example, from �game of the sacrificed lovers�:
twenty-four people are in
the garden, two are hidden
one is hidden as the bud
of a rose;
one is hidden as a blade
of grass
five young men stand to
the east
with five more pretending
to be thrushes
and from �Foxman versus The City of The Men-Men�:
The pipe from the Misery Works leaks its greasy
waste into the waters of the canal. Its enormous chimneys smother the city
with smoke. Pregnant women with grey skin enter its gates at dawn.
The poems have been described as
quirky, I would call them as approaching the fine edge of madness and an
outstanding read.
Both volumes are available from
[email protected]. Inquire as to price.
Three poets who will make you think and be glad you live at the beginning of
the Golden Age of Poetry.
� Gary Blankenship

Loch Raven Review Spring 2006 Vol. 2, No. 1
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