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  Gael Bage has had poems published in Mindfire, AmazeLoch Raven Review, Fireweed and SAW 2 magazine, including one editor who saw her poems on Sam Hamill’s site and asked to use them in a Spanish magazine She received an Honorable Mention for the first haiku she sent to Mainichi haiku contest. One of her favorite forms is the Fibonacci.  A workshop article she wrote about Fibonacci and poetry appeared in Mindfire recently.  

Fall 2006

Table of Contents - Vol. II, No. 3

Poetry    Translations    Fiction    Book Notes & Reviews


Gael Bage


Slow Burn

Contained in such a handsome vessel
I was unaware of its caustic nature,
the lid remained secure.  When the seal
broke, suddenly I couldn't breathe.

I could smell it in the air before
he opened his mouth. When he spoke
his tone reeked of acid, designed
to dissolve any resolve I might

harbour.  His tirades devoured the flesh
of my ambition and ate into my confidence.
Flame stifled, the vitriol slowly burned
until it had consumed the fine fabric

of our passion.  I recoiled from
this invasive smell, it hung around
in my hair.  Tear-drenched, I pummeled
my pillow, aware I couldn't live

with the stench, it was my cue to exit.
Later I learned acid can do more harm
to the vessel in which it is stored,
than anything on which it's poured.


© Gael Bage

Poetry    Translations    Fiction    Book Notes & Reviews


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